Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Mengerikan..Ini Akibat Yang Sangat Menakutkan Jika Suami Masukkan Jari Ke Dalam Miss V Isteri Semata-Mata Untuk Kepuasan.Sungguh Memeranjatkan. Ramai Yg Tak Tahu Ni.Sebarkan !

  Mengerikan..Ini Akibat Yang  Sangat  Menakutkan Jika Suami Masukkan Jari Ke Dalam  Miss V  Isteri Semata-Mata Untuk  Kepuasan.Sungguh Memeranjatkan. Ramai Yg Tak Tahu Ni.Sebarkan !  

        Meskipun dengan rangsangan jari-jemari dapat membuat birahi semakin naik, tapi perhatikan terlebih dahulu kuku jari suami.

        Hal yang seperti ini ternyata bisa menimbulkan virus HPV (human papill0mavirus) yang akan menempel bahkan bisa menulari kanker ke leher Rahim kamu lh0 ladies.

        Seperti yang dijelaskan 0leh Dr Sigit Purbadi, Sp.0G (K) di Jakarta “Tidak hanya melalui k0ntak secara genital, bahkan dari kuku suami yang k0t0r, virus HPV dapat didistribusikan ke leher rahim istri, jika memang terselip di situ, misal habis pegang M*ss V wanita simpanannya. Kita tidak pernah tahu suami habis pegang apa.

        Lalu, dia ingin bercinta dan memainkan jarinya di M*ss V istri tanpa mencuci tangan. Ini akan sangat berisik0 istri,” ujarnya.


        Kasus ini sudah banyak dijumpai pada wanita. Dan kebanyakan dari mereka akan berk0nsultasi ke d0kter setelah mengidap kanker serviks stadium lanjut.

        “Amat disayangkan memang masih banyak wanita yang enggan berk0nsultasi ke d0kter tentang kanker serviks atau minimal melakukan percegahan dengan papsmear setahun sekali.

        Pemahaman mereka pun masih kurang mengenai kanker serviks. Mereka datang dan mengeluh ‘Gaya hidup saya sehat, suami saya 0rang baik-baik, tapi kenapa saya masih bisa terkena kanker serviks’. Wanita seharusnya paham bahwa kita tidak pernah tahu apakah suami setia 100 persen,” kata Dr Sigit Purbadi.

        Tapi tidak hanya itu saja yang dapat menyebabkan wanita tertular virus HPV, lipatan sunatan kemaluan sang suami juga ternyata bisa menularkan virus tersebut.

        Prihatin akan bertambahnya kasus ini, d0kter pun menyarankan untuk melakukan vaksinasi bagi mereka yang sudah menikah maupun bagi mereka yang belum menikah.

        1-X anda Bagikan Jutaan Nyawa Terselamatkan..!!! Silahkan Sebar Luaskan.


Forex is the most liquid market in the world, and operates round the clock. It is a market where currency pairs are bought and sold in order to benefit from favorable exchange rate movements. Forex signals refer to the various indicators used by forex traders in order to identify the appropriate time for buying and selling currencies. A forex trader uses both fundamental and technical analysis in order to decide whether or not to trade. Fundamental analysis is based on economic factors that have a direct impact on the exchange rate. Technical analysis involves studying trends and patterns in order to decide on the prudence of a trade. Forex signals help the trader reach a decision, on whether or not to execute a trade, by giving the trader an indication or signal about expected currency pair movements.

Types of Forex Signals

Technical analysis relies on accurate signals that are provided by chart indicators. In order to understand indicators, we need to understand the different types of charts. These charts can be classified as line charts, bar charts, and candlestick charts. Indicators can be classified into two categories: Leading and Lagging. Leading and lagging indicators are economic factors that can be quantified.

Leading Indicators
Leading indicators provide a signal before a change occurs in the movement of currency pairs. In other words, they prepare a trader to spot a trend before a reversal is visible. This would help a smart trader benefit by buying low and selling high. Oscillators are leading indicators. Simply stated, an oscillator is a pendulum which swings between two extremes; buy and sell. The only time the oscillator does not give an accurate signal, is when it is not positioned at one of the extremes. Parabolic Stop and Reversal, Relative Strength Index, and Stochastics are examples of oscillators. Parabolic Stop and Reversal (SAR) helps a trader identify bullish and bearish trends. Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Stochastics, on the other hand, indicate oversold and overbought market conditions. When the market is oversold, one should buy. When the market is overbought, one should sell. Parabolic SAR uses dots on the candlestick chart in order to indicate shifting trends. When the trend shifts from an uptrend to a downtrend, the dots shift from below the chart to above the chart. Stochastics use red dotted lines to indicate overbought conditions, and blue dotted lines to indicate oversold conditions. If a chart has been indicating oversold conditions for a certain length of time, one can expect an increase in prices in the future.

Lagging Indicators
Lagging indicators give an indication of the change in trend, after the change is clearly visible. This is helpful for people who are unable to spot the evident change. In other words, a lagging indicator is a wake up call to move with the market and make hay while the sun shines. Lagging indicators never give wrong signals, since the change has already occurred before it is communicated to the trader. Momentum indicators are lagging indicators. 

Depending on the kind of market, people have to decide between leading and lagging indicators since the signals are generally conflicting. This brings us to the importance of accurate forex signals.

How to Find Profitable Forex Signals

It's evident that a number of chart indicators need to be interpreted for ensuring profitable forex trades. Thankfully, there are forex signal systems, based on chart indicators and economic events, that indicate when a trader should buy and sell. These signals are available for free or at a reasonable cost. A forex signal system, that provides accurate and profitable forex signals, can be manual or automated. Mechanical forex signal systems would require the trader to be present in order to buy and sell. A fully automated system, on the other hand, would not require the trader's presence in order to execute trades.

A good trader can use his technical and fundamental analysis skills and outperform any forex signal system. However, a forex mechanical system is useful for a trader who is not comfortable with interpreting charts, while a fully automated system is useful for a trader who despite being told when to execute the trade, may not do so, because of hesitation and lack of confidence.

Hukum Sedekah Al-Fatihah Kepada Si Mati Yang Ramai Tidak Tahu

Bagi umat Islam, bahkan bukan muslim, sudah tidak asing lagi dengan surat Al-Fatihah. Surat Al-Fatihah yang juga dikenali sebagai Ummul kitab juga sering dibaca ketika dalam pelbagai majlis agama.

Pembacaan Al-Fatihah berbeza-beza mengikut situasi. C0nt0hnya, apabila dalam majlis, untuk majlis mendapat keberkatan dari Allah, pembukaan majlis akan dibacakan surat Al-Fatihah, berharap mendapat berkah dari membaca ayat tersebut.

Dalam pengajian di p0nd0k, sebelum memulakan pengajian kitab, se0rang Ustaz yang mengajarkan kitab akan mengirimkan Al Fatihah untuk pengarang kitab.

Tapi yang menjadi pers0alan, apakah hukum mengirim Al-Fatihah kepada 0rang yang sudah meninggal dunia? Adakah dibenarkan dalam Islam?

Jadi sebelum menjawab permasalah ini dengan lebih lanjut, mari kita ketahui tentang dari keutamaan surah Al-Fatihah terlebih dahulu.

Banyak sekali keutamaan atau fadhilah dari Al-Fatihah, bahkan s0lat tanpa membaca Al Fatihah dikira tidak sah dan tidak akan diterima. Keutamaannya lain Surat Al Fatihah adalah ia merupakan ibu segala d0a dan penawar jika ada masalah.

Jadi, berbalik kepada t0pik asal, apa hukum mengirim Al-Fatihah kepada 0rang yang sudah meninggal dunia?

Menurut Mazhab Hambali, Maliki dan Hanafi, tiada khilaf mengirim bacaan al-Quran kepada si mati. Manakala dalam Mazhab Asy-Syafi'i, ada dua pendapat. Pendapat pertama mengatakan bacaan Al-Quran tidak sampai kepada si mati. Pendapat yang kedua pula mengatakan bacaan Al-Quran tetap sampai kepada si mati.

Menurut Ustaz Azhar Idrus, pendapat kedua inilah yang ramai difatwakan 0leh ulamak-ulamak Mazhab Asy-Shafi'i, bahawa sesungguhnya pahala membaca Al Fatihah akan sampai kepada si mati. Jadi kalau nak baca pun b0leh, kalau tak baca pun b0leh.

Demikianlah sedikit perbahasan tentang hukum mengirim Al Fatihah untuk 0rang yang sudah meninggal dunia, sem0ga bermanfaat. Insyaallah b0leh k0ngsikan artikel ini supaya dapat menjadi rujukan bagi rakan media s0sial anda.


Biasanya, bila ada orang mati, mesti kita minta sedekah 'Al-Fatihah'. Tapi tahukah anda hukum mengirim Al-Fatihah kepada orang yang dah meninggal dunia? Betul ke dibenarkan di dalam Islam?
Sh@re jika bermanfaat


Forex is the most liquid market in the world, and operates round the clock. It is a market where currency pairs are bought and sold in order to benefit from favorable exchange rate movements. Forex signals refer to the various indicators used by forex traders in order to identify the appropriate time for buying and selling currencies. A forex trader uses both fundamental and technical analysis in order to decide whether or not to trade. Fundamental analysis is based on economic factors that have a direct impact on the exchange rate. Technical analysis involves studying trends and patterns in order to decide on the prudence of a trade. Forex signals help the trader reach a decision, on whether or not to execute a trade, by giving the trader an indication or signal about expected currency pair movements.

Types of Forex Signals

Technical analysis relies on accurate signals that are provided by chart indicators. In order to understand indicators, we need to understand the different types of charts. These charts can be classified as line charts, bar charts, and candlestick charts. Indicators can be classified into two categories: Leading and Lagging. Leading and lagging indicators are economic factors that can be quantified.

Leading Indicators
Leading indicators provide a signal before a change occurs in the movement of currency pairs. In other words, they prepare a trader to spot a trend before a reversal is visible. This would help a smart trader benefit by buying low and selling high. Oscillators are leading indicators. Simply stated, an oscillator is a pendulum which swings between two extremes; buy and sell. The only time the oscillator does not give an accurate signal, is when it is not positioned at one of the extremes. Parabolic Stop and Reversal, Relative Strength Index, and Stochastics are examples of oscillators. Parabolic Stop and Reversal (SAR) helps a trader identify bullish and bearish trends. Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Stochastics, on the other hand, indicate oversold and overbought market conditions. When the market is oversold, one should buy. When the market is overbought, one should sell. Parabolic SAR uses dots on the candlestick chart in order to indicate shifting trends. When the trend shifts from an uptrend to a downtrend, the dots shift from below the chart to above the chart. Stochastics use red dotted lines to indicate overbought conditions, and blue dotted lines to indicate oversold conditions. If a chart has been indicating oversold conditions for a certain length of time, one can expect an increase in prices in the future.

Lagging Indicators
Lagging indicators give an indication of the change in trend, after the change is clearly visible. This is helpful for people who are unable to spot the evident change. In other words, a lagging indicator is a wake up call to move with the market and make hay while the sun shines. Lagging indicators never give wrong signals, since the change has already occurred before it is communicated to the trader. Momentum indicators are lagging indicators. 

Depending on the kind of market, people have to decide between leading and lagging indicators since the signals are generally conflicting. This brings us to the importance of accurate forex signals.

How to Find Profitable Forex Signals

It's evident that a number of chart indicators need to be interpreted for ensuring profitable forex trades. Thankfully, there are forex signal systems, based on chart indicators and economic events, that indicate when a trader should buy and sell. These signals are available for free or at a reasonable cost. A forex signal system, that provides accurate and profitable forex signals, can be manual or automated. Mechanical forex signal systems would require the trader to be present in order to buy and sell. A fully automated system, on the other hand, would not require the trader's presence in order to execute trades.

A good trader can use his technical and fundamental analysis skills and outperform any forex signal system. However, a forex mechanical system is useful for a trader who is not comfortable with interpreting charts, while a fully automated system is useful for a trader who despite being told when to execute the trade, may not do so, because of hesitation and lack of confidence.

Duit Raya Anak Elly Mazlein Paling Banyak Raya Tahun Ini..Pergh Banyak Gila!!

Duit Raya Anak Elly Mazlein Paling Banyak Raya Tahun Ini..Pergh Banyak Gila!!


Forex is the most liquid market in the world, and operates round the clock. It is a market where currency pairs are bought and sold in order to benefit from favorable exchange rate movements. Forex signals refer to the various indicators used by forex traders in order to identify the appropriate time for buying and selling currencies. A forex trader uses both fundamental and technical analysis in order to decide whether or not to trade. Fundamental analysis is based on economic factors that have a direct impact on the exchange rate. Technical analysis involves studying trends and patterns in order to decide on the prudence of a trade. Forex signals help the trader reach a decision, on whether or not to execute a trade, by giving the trader an indication or signal about expected currency pair movements.

Types of Forex Signals

Technical analysis relies on accurate signals that are provided by chart indicators. In order to understand indicators, we need to understand the different types of charts. These charts can be classified as line charts, bar charts, and candlestick charts. Indicators can be classified into two categories: Leading and Lagging. Leading and lagging indicators are economic factors that can be quantified.

Leading Indicators
Leading indicators provide a signal before a change occurs in the movement of currency pairs. In other words, they prepare a trader to spot a trend before a reversal is visible. This would help a smart trader benefit by buying low and selling high. Oscillators are leading indicators. Simply stated, an oscillator is a pendulum which swings between two extremes; buy and sell. The only time the oscillator does not give an accurate signal, is when it is not positioned at one of the extremes. Parabolic Stop and Reversal, Relative Strength Index, and Stochastics are examples of oscillators. Parabolic Stop and Reversal (SAR) helps a trader identify bullish and bearish trends. Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Stochastics, on the other hand, indicate oversold and overbought market conditions. When the market is oversold, one should buy. When the market is overbought, one should sell. Parabolic SAR uses dots on the candlestick chart in order to indicate shifting trends. When the trend shifts from an uptrend to a downtrend, the dots shift from below the chart to above the chart. Stochastics use red dotted lines to indicate overbought conditions, and blue dotted lines to indicate oversold conditions. If a chart has been indicating oversold conditions for a certain length of time, one can expect an increase in prices in the future.

Lagging Indicators
Lagging indicators give an indication of the change in trend, after the change is clearly visible. This is helpful for people who are unable to spot the evident change. In other words, a lagging indicator is a wake up call to move with the market and make hay while the sun shines. Lagging indicators never give wrong signals, since the change has already occurred before it is communicated to the trader. Momentum indicators are lagging indicators. 

Depending on the kind of market, people have to decide between leading and lagging indicators since the signals are generally conflicting. This brings us to the importance of accurate forex signals.

How to Find Profitable Forex Signals

It's evident that a number of chart indicators need to be interpreted for ensuring profitable forex trades. Thankfully, there are forex signal systems, based on chart indicators and economic events, that indicate when a trader should buy and sell. These signals are available for free or at a reasonable cost. A forex signal system, that provides accurate and profitable forex signals, can be manual or automated. Mechanical forex signal systems would require the trader to be present in order to buy and sell. A fully automated system, on the other hand, would not require the trader's presence in order to execute trades.

A good trader can use his technical and fundamental analysis skills and outperform any forex signal system. However, a forex mechanical system is useful for a trader who is not comfortable with interpreting charts, while a fully automated system is useful for a trader who despite being told when to execute the trade, may not do so, because of hesitation and lack of confidence.

Pengumuman Mengejutkan Zizie Ezette Setelah Tamat Berlakon "Hero Seorang Cinderella", Buat Ramai Kecewa Alaaa...janganlah macam ni.... :(

Pengumuman Mengejutkan Zizie Ezette Setelah Tamat Berlakon "Hero Seorang Cinderella", Buat Ramai Kecewa
Alaaa...janganlah macam ni.... 


Forex is the most liquid market in the world, and operates round the clock. It is a market where currency pairs are bought and sold in order to benefit from favorable exchange rate movements. Forex signals refer to the various indicators used by forex traders in order to identify the appropriate time for buying and selling currencies. A forex trader uses both fundamental and technical analysis in order to decide whether or not to trade. Fundamental analysis is based on economic factors that have a direct impact on the exchange rate. Technical analysis involves studying trends and patterns in order to decide on the prudence of a trade. Forex signals help the trader reach a decision, on whether or not to execute a trade, by giving the trader an indication or signal about expected currency pair movements.

Types of Forex Signals

Technical analysis relies on accurate signals that are provided by chart indicators. In order to understand indicators, we need to understand the different types of charts. These charts can be classified as line charts, bar charts, and candlestick charts. Indicators can be classified into two categories: Leading and Lagging. Leading and lagging indicators are economic factors that can be quantified.

Leading Indicators
Leading indicators provide a signal before a change occurs in the movement of currency pairs. In other words, they prepare a trader to spot a trend before a reversal is visible. This would help a smart trader benefit by buying low and selling high. Oscillators are leading indicators. Simply stated, an oscillator is a pendulum which swings between two extremes; buy and sell. The only time the oscillator does not give an accurate signal, is when it is not positioned at one of the extremes. Parabolic Stop and Reversal, Relative Strength Index, and Stochastics are examples of oscillators. Parabolic Stop and Reversal (SAR) helps a trader identify bullish and bearish trends. Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Stochastics, on the other hand, indicate oversold and overbought market conditions. When the market is oversold, one should buy. When the market is overbought, one should sell. Parabolic SAR uses dots on the candlestick chart in order to indicate shifting trends. When the trend shifts from an uptrend to a downtrend, the dots shift from below the chart to above the chart. Stochastics use red dotted lines to indicate overbought conditions, and blue dotted lines to indicate oversold conditions. If a chart has been indicating oversold conditions for a certain length of time, one can expect an increase in prices in the future.

Lagging Indicators
Lagging indicators give an indication of the change in trend, after the change is clearly visible. This is helpful for people who are unable to spot the evident change. In other words, a lagging indicator is a wake up call to move with the market and make hay while the sun shines. Lagging indicators never give wrong signals, since the change has already occurred before it is communicated to the trader. Momentum indicators are lagging indicators. 

Depending on the kind of market, people have to decide between leading and lagging indicators since the signals are generally conflicting. This brings us to the importance of accurate forex signals.

How to Find Profitable Forex Signals

It's evident that a number of chart indicators need to be interpreted for ensuring profitable forex trades. Thankfully, there are forex signal systems, based on chart indicators and economic events, that indicate when a trader should buy and sell. These signals are available for free or at a reasonable cost. A forex signal system, that provides accurate and profitable forex signals, can be manual or automated. Mechanical forex signal systems would require the trader to be present in order to buy and sell. A fully automated system, on the other hand, would not require the trader's presence in order to execute trades.

A good trader can use his technical and fundamental analysis skills and outperform any forex signal system. However, a forex mechanical system is useful for a trader who is not comfortable with interpreting charts, while a fully automated system is useful for a trader who despite being told when to execute the trade, may not do so, because of hesitation and lack of confidence.